At Matisa, we offer you several options. You can rent the unit for a fixed period of time or
assemble your own according to your requirements.
Protect yourself from electricity power outige.
Read moreAn offer of generator sets, UPS systems, water pumps, motors, on wich we guarantee to our buyers, they get the best for their money.
Protect yourself from electricity power outige.
Read moreWide selection of water pumps, made for extreme conditions
Read moreLearn more about our high selection of top UPS systems
Read moreGet to know our offer of electric motors
Read moreIf you only need a generator for a period of time, you should consider hiring one!
Read moreWe want our customers to “sleep well” even after having made the purchase.
Read moreMatisa – the best choice for demanding generator and UPS system buyers
Matisa provides our customers with quick servicing and round-the-clock support
Our company has a technological line for powder coating of metal products and structures
Our own production and development allow us to put out products of guaranteed quality at competitive prices. Thus, Matisa’s customers get the best value for their money
We deliver the products ordered quickly and safely to any location included in our distribution network
At Matisa, we offer you several options. You can rent the unit for a fixed period of time or
assemble your own according to your requirements.
Friday, September 25, 2020
Mobile diesel gen set suitable for transport on public roads…Max power of 66kVA (52,8kW) with Iveco Aifo Stage IIIA engine, and Mecc alte alternator.
Friday, September 25, 2020
Elektro Agregat 300kVA (240kW) za Ministrstvo za obrambo RS, napajanje z elekrično energijo za potrebe mobilnih vojaških bolnišnic… Diesel generating set 300kVA (240kW) for Slovenian armed forces. Electrical power…
Friday, September 25, 2020
600kVA in prime power diesel generating set powering Hospital Ptuj Slovenia…Volvo Penta engine, Mecc alte alternator, sound proof canopy and control panel DSE8620 for paralleling with mains… Made in Slovenia -…
Friday, September 25, 2020
600kVA 480kW in prime power diesel gen set in 20 feet container…Volvo Penta TWD1652GE Stage IIIA engine and Mecc alte ECO 620kVA alternator…2500l double walled fuel tank, F90 fire wall. Gen is automatic with…
Naziv operacije: Optimizirana prodaja na tujih trgih (JPTT2020-COVID 19/265/2020)
Glavni namen/cilj operacije: Cilj operacije je izdelava, testiranje in implementacija konfiguratorja za konfiguracijo naročil v tujem jeziku ter nadgradnja in revidiranje vsebin na spletni strani, uporabniško testiranje, vzpostavitev optimizacijskih orodij za spremljanje in sledenje strankam v okviru digitalnih prodajnih kanalov, vzpostavitev sistema merjenja učinkov digitalnih komunikacij, vse namenjeno poslovanju na tujih trgih.
Vrednost operacije: 14.284,00. Sofinanciranje: 9.998,80 EUR.
Operacija je bila za sofinanciranje izbrana na »Javnem pozivu za sofinanciranje stroškov digitalizacije prodajnih poti ter predstavitvenih in trženjskih gradiv za promocijo na tujih trgih«
Naložbo sofinancira Republika Slovenija in Evropska Unija iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj.
Digital transformation Matisa d.o.o.
The purpose of the project is to improve the company’s electronic operations in new markets and thus increase the company’s international competitiveness.
Project value: EUR 42,850; value of co-financing: EUR 29,995.
The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the EU from the European Regional Development Fund (